The man behind the blog post

I have been working as a software developer for 3 years now. I write primarily Java and Angular at work but I have been spending my mornings before work learning Go. I have been practicing yoga for just over 2 years and I have my wife to thank for getting me into it. I enjoy two cups of coffee a day and my preferred brewing method is pour over. My local coffee shop introduced me to this method and I haven’t looked back (shout out to The Clay Cup in Altoona). Meditation is the newest addition to my list of favorite things. I have been practicing 20 minutes of meditation a day for the last 102 days.

Why Hugo?

I’m sure a lot of you are wondering why I made a site with Hugo…and by a lot of you I mean nobody because I’ve never written a blog post before. Here is a short list of why I am choosing Hugo because if you have made it this far I’m sure you are just dying to know.

  • It is written in Go and I can’t get enough of that Gopher.
  • I get to use a theme which means I don’t have to write any CSS.
  • It was recommended by a co-worker. Check out his blog here.
  • Even if I don’t stick with writing blog posts, this is better than my old website.
  • Markdown is pretty cool I guess.